- Abortion
- Blood Clots
- Boobs
- Cervical Screening
- Cervix
- Chronic Illness
- Condoms
- Contraception
- Cramps
- Cysts
- Discharge
- Endometriosis
- Fertility
- Fertility Awareness
- First Period
- Implant
- Injection
- Menstrual Cup
- Mental Health
- Migraines
- Miscarriage
- Mood Swings
- Natural Family Planning
- Ovulation
- Pads
- Patch
- Period Products
- Period Underwear
- Periods
- Postpartum
- Pregnancy
- Retroverted Uterus
- Sex
- Spotting
- Tampons
- Testosterone
- The Coil
- The Pill
- Thrush
- Trans
- Tubal Ligation
- Vaginal Ring
- Vaginismus
- Vulvodynia
- Weight
Cramps So Bad I’m Sick
Dear period and cramps,
I still don't know if you are regular, or heavily painful cramps, or endometriosis or something else. I've had my period for 13 years now, cramps getting worse every year. You make me sick, literally. I want to be happy about my period. I want to be happy that I am a woman who is not unwillingly pregnant and who is healthy enough to get her periods. I want to celebrate that I am healthy, again, that you are back, again. But I can't celebrate that, lying in my bed for two or three days, suffering from cramps that get bad enough to make me sick sometimes. That push the content of my stomach out through my mouth by cramping so hard that my whole tummy clenches. My gynaecologists, five by now, feel up my vagina and into my uterus, put ultrasound probes into me and still don't know what to do about me. They tell me to take the pill without any breaks so I don't get my period and don't get pain. It works. But I feel weird about it. I want to have a regular period. I want to feel healthy. I want to feel natural. I don't want hormones pumped inside of me to suppress a natural process, to alter my hormonal balance, to worsen my chronic depression. I want to feel healthy. I want to feel natural. I want to feel seen. I want to feel believed and taken seriously.
I want you back, period. But I can well be spared you, cramps.
Amelie, Germany
*Side Eyes*
Dear (possible) endometriosis,
I've been trying to get you diagnosed for years now, and I know it's not entirely your fault that hasn't happened yet (side eyes to the centuries of women being excluded from medical research). It just would be really nice to find a way to deal with whatever is going on with my uterus, and if it's you for sure.
So, endometriosis, if it's you causing me this trouble, please just calm it down. It's not been a fun ride these few years, heavy periods, agonisingly painful cramps, fatigue, back pain and abdomen pain both on and off my period, and all the rest of it are a bit rubbish.
Maybe, once I know, I could forgive you. For now, I'll fight you as much as I can.
Anonymous, UK
Get Myself a Pee Stick
Dear Implant,
While I'm grateful to you for preventing any unwanted pregnancies, I'm less impressed with your effect on my period. 6 weeks of spotting, bit of a break back to normality, then semi-periods every fortnight. Next up is a gap that's long enough I'm concerned you haven't done your job and get myself a pee stick (fortunately it shows you're doing something right at least). I'm ready for a bit of consistency please!
Yours (somewhat) gratefully,
I don't want to be a mother
Mel, Australia
Dear my implant,
Why would you make me put on so much weight? Why has that weight got to be in such a way that I look 4/5 months pregnant constantly? Why would you give me month long PMS despite the fact I have no period?
I got you as I couldn't deal with the headaches I got on my period (with or without the pill) - they left me unable to get out of bed for the whole weekend. I was told you'd potentially stop me having periods at all - which you have, and for that, I'm very very grateful! The headaches are gone, and I have no debilitating cramps! But still having a lot of the PMS symptoms (see: mood swings, random crying, bloating, fatigue, headaches, spot breakouts) in the lead up to light spotting, and the weight gain? I wasn't prepared for that. I never felt that weight was important to me, and the numbers still don't, but looking at my stretch marks and the fat I've never had before, makes me feel like this isn't my body.
This is only made worse by the fact that weight gain isn't *officially* a proven side effect. The fact that the internet is full of women saying that implant has made them gain weight is apparently irrelevant because the small amount of scientific evidence on the subject is 'inconclusive'.
I realise that having you removed would stop all of this, but I don't know if my natural cycle would be any better or if those horrendous headaches and flu-like symptoms would return. Perhaps, you are the lesser of two evils - I can live with these side-effects, even if I have had to buy bigger jeans! Plus, as long as I have you, I can kid myself that the weight will fall off once you're gone with no work required on my part!
I'm sorry I spend so much time being angry with you - I'm sure you're doing the best you can!
All my love,
a-grateful-but-frustrated Chelsea xxx
Chelsea, UK
Fuck You!
Dear PMS,
You usually make me quite tired, but this month, you also decided to make me angry. *Very* angry and irritable. I hate that even when I recognise that you are happening, I struggle to control your effects!
I spent yesterday fuming against everything and everyone, then telling myself that it's just PMS and to calm down, then ranting again after a few minutes. Thankfully I was working at home, so nobody's feelings were hurt by my numerous "Fuck you!" exclamations, but living with you can be hard sometimes. Today you're gone, and I almost feel relieved that you've been replaced by your pal Periods.
Dear PMS, see you next month to discover what you have in store for me then!
Anonymous, France
Badly Injured?
Dear periods,
I can't believe you arrived a week before my 10th birthday - when I was too young to understand what on Earth was happening - and I thought I had really badly injured myself. I was the youngest person I knew to be going through this, and most of my friends caught up a long 3-4 years later.
Now I'm 25 and I know you like the back of my hand, though. I know all of your twists which means you're on your way, I know when you'll be late and I know exactly how to handle you.
Thanks for the heads up. x
Esha, UK
Educate the Men
Dear sex education for boys and men,
Why did you not learn about my period? Why is it every guy I've dated has not realised I bleed every single month or that I can't 'hold it in' or that my hormones mean sometimes I act a little out of character (to say the least),
And cis boys/men if you want to date someone who has a vulva, please learn where the clit is...
A Big Piece of Plastic
Dear Menstrual Cup,
Why didn't I start using you earlier?! You have completely changed my period and are so easy to use! I always thought you were intimidating from afar- a big piece of plastic going up there? Really?!
But no, you are perfect. You catch the blood, you are eco friendly, you are easy to clean, you save me money.... Even my cramps seem less bad! I just wish I had discovered you sooner, rather than suffering through the rash on my legs from pads, ruined underwear galore, the ridiculous cost and waste.
You make me feel better about myself, like I am actually making mature changes and am taking steps to improve. For me you symbolise my entire zero waste journey- a simple but terrifying change, a step in the right direction, a discovery of something great. I am so so grateful for the ease of use and the savings to the planet you have given me.
Thank you menstrual cup for transforming my periods into something slightly less unpleasant.
Anonymous, UK
Staying Alive
Dear my mini pill,
Thank you for meaning my periods have become few and far between. Thank you for reversing the issues caused by my antidepressants. How ironic that the medication I need to stay alive leaves me incapacitated for a few days a month, but you've helped reverse that.
You may leave me spotting and get very angry if I skip you once, or mess with your schedule.
I may leave you soon for a slightly easier method I don't have to remember, but you've done your job well.
Thanks my g,
Lucy, UK