- Abortion
- Blood Clots
- Boobs
- Cervical Screening
- Cervix
- Chronic Illness
- Condoms
- Contraception
- Cramps
- Cysts
- Discharge
- Endometriosis
- Fertility
- Fertility Awareness
- First Period
- Implant
- Injection
- Menstrual Cup
- Mental Health
- Migraines
- Miscarriage
- Mood Swings
- Natural Family Planning
- Ovulation
- Pads
- Patch
- Period Products
- Period Underwear
- Periods
- Postpartum
- Pregnancy
- Retroverted Uterus
- Sex
- Spotting
- Tampons
- Testosterone
- The Coil
- The Pill
- Thrush
- Trans
- Tubal Ligation
- Vaginal Ring
- Vaginismus
- Vulvodynia
- Weight
Dear pill,
Thanks for giving me a non-stop period for SEVEN MONTHS. After a while, my menstrual cup got too uncomfortable. And then so did tampons. So then I was wearing pads, and I think my skin ended up having an allergic reaction to the pads. Thanks for all the pointless pain and discomfort.
Anonymous, UK
Thanks For the Pads, I Guess…
Dear Camp Counsellor,
When I happened to have my second-ever period during camp, you graciously gave me some of your pads. However, saying "I shouldn't have to give you pads, you need to go buy your own" to a twelve year old - in the middle nowhere, who obviously has no money, when there was still three days left of camp AND her period - probably wasn't the best idea. I understand you didn't need to give me your pads, but you definitely should have helped me.
Three ruined jeans and a woman who spent ten years afraid of her period
Samantha, USA
Period Alert!
Dear Pads and Tampons,
Why are you so loud to open? Why do you need to alert everyone else in the toilets that I'm on my period.
But more importantly why are we ingrained with this shame about people knowing when we're on our periods? It's something that about 50% of the world go through, so why as newly bleeding humans do we already know it's something to hide from others?
Charlotte, UK
I <3 My Coil
Dear coil,
Thank you for giving me the other three weeks of the month to me. Stopping the migraines, tsunami blood flow and saving me so much money in tampons and pads, (because I had to change both every hour to avoid the tsunami). I’m not sure how I got to 33 without you. My boobs only hurt a little bit now, and my painkiller taking has gone down. I was on strong painkillers, which clot my blood enough that I could use a menstrual cup and a pad. Now I only need a night time one at night, and normal middle ones for day time, only needing to empty the cup three times a day.
Since I had you inserted I have been able to have a light coloured bottom sheet since I don’t bleed out in the night. I keep running through pms, my period (always had to have a week off for that) and the weeks recovery without injury as I couldn’t feel it due to the drugs.
I only get the odd cramp, and my diarrhea is solved.
I have a few extra spots, but nothing as bad as when I ate cheese and milk and ice cream and store bought cake. Or soya. Or monosodium glutamate.
And have I gotten a little chunky due to quarantine or is it you? We shall never know.
There’s no going back now. How did I drive to work when my vision was swimming? How am I alive!
I<3my coil
Anonymous, UK
Knickers in a Twist
Dear period panties,
I am so grateful you came into my life. After years of painfully fighting with my friends, tampon and cup, and a rocky relationship with pads, I did not think I would find a relationship like this. Thank you for being there!
Anne, Ireland
Like Clockwork
Dear Pill,
Thank you for halving the amount of pads I have to use each period and for taking the stress of not knowing when my period will show up!
Thank you for minimising the back pain and cramps I used to get but had to ignore!
Thank you for making life just a little bit easier to deal with by taking the period stress away making it all work like clockwork!
Sincerely, Me
Kate, UK
Sinking Heart
Dear pad and tampon companies,
Do you realise my heart sinks when you put female signs on your packaging? Do you know you're hurting nonbinary people? Would it be so hard to... not?
Alex, UK