- Abortion
- Blood Clots
- Boobs
- Cervical Screening
- Cervix
- Chronic Illness
- Condoms
- Contraception
- Cramps
- Cysts
- Discharge
- Endometriosis
- Fertility
- Fertility Awareness
- First Period
- Implant
- Injection
- Menstrual Cup
- Mental Health
- Migraines
- Miscarriage
- Mood Swings
- Natural Family Planning
- Ovulation
- Pads
- Patch
- Period Products
- Period Underwear
- Periods
- Postpartum
- Pregnancy
- Retroverted Uterus
- Sex
- Spotting
- Tampons
- Testosterone
- The Coil
- The Pill
- Thrush
- Trans
- Tubal Ligation
- Vaginal Ring
- Vaginismus
- Vulvodynia
- Weight
No Regrets
Dear Breast Reduction,
I didn‘t think you‘d change how my nipples feel during ovulation. Also you made my boobs feel way less sore, especially during my period.
But even though people talk, I don‘t regret having you at all. I‘m way more comfortable now. And my back is, too.
Alex, Germany
Expectations Vs Reality
Dear Vaginal Ring,
You were supposed to make my sex life more enjoyable and make my aching boobs and ovulation pain go away, INSTEAD you gave me constant cramps, bleeding and suuuuuper sore boobs, no sex drive, mood swings and morning anxiety. Taking you out was the best decision I've ever made,
bye forever!
G D, Italy
No Need to Get Even Smaller, Boobs
Dear boob reduction and boobs,
I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I’ve made the decision to get you done, actually get approved by health insurance and get surgery! I will never for once regret the day I’ve made that decision, but you can totally stop shrinking now. No need to get even smaller, thank you. Let’s celebrate by stopping to grow and getting a tattoo!
Josien, The Netherlands
Thank You, Boobs
Dear Boobs,
I was annoyed with you when I was younger for not being bigger but then I grew to accept you and enjoyed not having to wear a bra all the time. I hated you when you didn't make any milk for the first couple of days of my baby's life but you came through I the end. I'm now grateful that you have managed to feed my little one for over 10 months and allow me to have lovely little feeding cuddles.
Thank you, Boobs
Love Bella
Bella, UK
Supportive Bra
Dear sports bras,
Thank you! Were it not for you, my seventeen-year-old self would have spent a significant amount of time wallowing in dysphoria while they couldn’t get a binder. Thank you for supporting my in my gender journey ;)
Not Dirty
Dear period,
Thanks for forcing me to get comfortable with my vagina. thanks for making me spend countless hours digging for my menstrual cup the first time I used one, getting covered in blood and not feeling disgusted, because it wasn’t dirty. It was natural. Thanks for helping me understand my health, by disappearing when I had disordered eating, reminding me that skinny doesn’t equal healthy. Thanks for being predictable. Thanks for being 3 days long. Thanks for making me feel in tune with my own experience of womanhood, but allowing me to realise that being a woman is not confined to having a vagina that bleeds, or breasts that ache for half the month. and I mean ACHE, that is something I don’t thank you for, period.
Yours faithfully, your owner
Anonymous, UK
Cracking Pair of Tits
Dear pill,
I am so sorry it took me so long to meet you, but thank you. I know you made me put on some weight which initially made me self conscious but I have a cracking pair of tits now thanks to you, and the little tummy I have now is so much better than periods that lasted more than a week and caused me so much pain and discomfort. Please keep working xxx
Kate, UK
Thirsty Nipples
Dear boobs:
I don't really know why you ache so much sometimes. Or why I get thirsty everytime I touch my nipples (Yes.) But anyways, love you girlies.
Anonymous, Argentina
Rollercoaster Period
Dear period,
You visit anytime between 26 and 65 days and you are either a dream or a nightmare. It's a rollercoaster of surprise bleeding, chocolate eating and boob pain that kills. A little more regularity would be great. Saying all that, you are much appreciated - life wouldn't be the same without you <3
Kristin, Scotland
Say Hi to the Boobs
Dear boobs,
We have a very weird relationship, huh? You've always been really tiny, and that's okay, but why did you have to get smaller? I had the same breast size for years, but when I started taking the pill, you began to hurt. I thought I would try on different bras, and turns out I went down a cup size. It was a very weird symptom, I've googled it and assume it's because of the "hormonal changes". I wish you got a little bigger, because right now the triangular shape makes it hard to not wear a bra when I go outside. Some days I'm very insecure about your small size, but some days I'm like screw that my boobs are great! Let's see how we are in the future when I have babies and you get bigger then ey, maybe I'll miss you or maybe I won't. Either way, thanks for being boobs nonetheless. My boyfriend says hi too.
Love from Emma.
Emma, UK
More Effort into the Boobs
Dear my pill,
While I am grateful for you allowing me to go through puberty since my body didn't seem to want to co-operate, I can't help but think you could have put a little bit more effort into the boobs. Do you think you could work on that?
Lots of love,
Daisy, UK