Dear Implant,

How blind sighted I was when you promised me a spot free face and light periods. How low and confused, and sad I was when, after you were implanted, I cried everyday and didn't know why. My once upbeat optimism shot down in a flux of progesterone. I know they say, wait 6 months. I know they tell you, there are always going to be side affects. But surely it doesn't have to be this way? Surely contraception shouldn't have you feeling at your lowest low with doctors telling you to just "ride it out?". After pleading with my doctor, you were removed. I felt lighter. I felt me. I didn't know the reasons I had been feeling so blue were because of you.

Dear Coil,

THANK YOU. Hormone-free, decade long contraception. I've found my other half. We still have qualms (8 day periods... really?) and contraception research has a long way to go, but thank you for showing me that hormones are not the only option.

Love, Paige

Paige, England


Kindly Fuck Off


The Pill Implant Super Team