Fear of Pregnancy

Dear my progesterone-only pill,

When I first started taking you four years ago I was so relieved I wouldn’t be dealing with my monthly visit from Aunty Flo anymore. You took away my pain and discomfort! However, I don’t know if what you gave me instead was worth it... the crippling anxiety, the constant fear that - even though I was TAKING THE PILL - I would definitely get pregnant, and feverishly take test after test, even though the bf and I are always careful. I would burst into tears with every negative result, even though that is...what...I...wanted? To this day anxiety follows me around like a nasty smell. Can’t get rid of it. The fear of pregnancy is what keeps me from kicking you to the curb. So while I thank you for keeping the physical pain at bay, you SUCK for giving me the mental and emotional pain of constant worry. In a few years, when bf and I want to start a family, you are OUTTA HERE.

Chessy, UK


A Love Letter to Menstrual Cups


That’s No Place for a Tampon