Falling Through the Cracks

Dear pill,

It's been 2 years I'm no longer taking you, and I couldn't be happier about it. Being totally honest, I would love to stop using condoms, but at least they don't have unpredictable side effects. Just to let you know - my horrible migraines went away. I don't feel miserable anymore. I don't panic anymore if I don't have my migraine medication with me. I don't cry in pain on the bathroom floor after having vomited for the 3rd time in a row, and - most importantly - I don't have to figure out what's wrong with me on my own. My libido is back too, I just feel more alive, more connected to my body. Dear pill, for someone you might be life-saving. But for me you aren't the right choice.

Dear doctors....

Why did I fall through the cracks of the health system? Why didn't you talk to me about possible side effects? Why, when I've got migraines, you didn't connect the dots? Why did you tell me it's all due to genetics and put me on another medication which gave me hallucinations? I was so scared.

I'm free now. No more migraines, no more anxiety about having one, no more hallucinations.


Anonymous, France


150 Days!


Is it Because My Body is Weird?