Go Die in a Ditch, PCOS
Dear Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,
I truly wish you would die in a ditch. You're the reason why I feel so disgusted with myself . I have had it with you ruining my face and screwing my self image, I hide the bottom of my face and cry when I see all the scars on my face. I hate that because of you I am in debt $5K because at the age of 17 the hair had gotten so unbearable , I decided to get laser removal treatment, in a low income family. It was excruciatingly painful and I would cry so hard every session. In high school other people decided to point out and make fun of that, I started getting bullied. It’s been some time out of high school but you still haunt me. Regardless of what I would do to tame you, you never go away. I shave everyday, and my face hurts because of it. It hurts so much that I let it grow, and I mourn more. Shaving days have turned into deep conditioning, making sure I take care of my skin , but if you weren’t there how much more happier I'd be.
I fucking hate you.
Leanessa, USA